Goat Love : Why Goat Soap

Goat Love

by mike fraley on 02/10/13


Spring is a joyful time here at our small farm. It brings a new beginning of life that sets the mood for what is to come. All the goats are ready to have their babies, and we can't wait . We look forward to this time because it is a time for new friendships with our goats, with life and hope making a difference. Our new kids are always beautiful and bring us great joy in their arrival and sets the mood for the whole year.

Let me tell you why.

When our goats are born I make it a point to be present with being a part of their birth. Helping in any way I can I've found this to help in comforting the mother and showing our love for them. I believe they look forward to us being there to help in every way possible by being a part of the birth of their kids.

Now when the kids come, we have found it to be best to take them and feed them in this early stage of life. This ensures that they receive their share of the colostrum which is the first milk and is the most important part of their first feeding. By bottle feeding, we can keep track of their milk which allows us to help in the health of the kids and creating bonding to us easy. Taking the time, by bottle feeding them together, creates a heard that lives in harmony with a passion for one another.

I start by bringing them inside, washing them with warm water, towel dry, then feeding.  Working with my newborns I've found it hard feeding them when giving them a bottle. They always act like it's the last thing they want.  We've found by holding the kids wrapped in a blanket with warm milk really helps. Holding the kids I've also found that with a small amount of breathing on their face, with the rub of your hand stimulates their needs, motivating them to began to suckle, even at two hours old.  This always works in most cases, warmth and love makes a difference.

Kids come with a need to be loved  for their survival at this early state, as all mammals do. The touch of warm hands or the warmth of our bodies help them in this newborn state. I've found that after birth, much petting and loving  boosts their will to live, making for a stronger kid.

Our baby goats are so special in the way they've learn to interact with us, keeping a bond that always grows. We live each day looking forward to feeding and spending time with the new kids, taking them on walks as they run, jump, and  kicking their hooves high in the air. This is always a special time that stays with us creating rich memories of these moments.

There are times when one of our kids don't feel well and need special attention. I pull that one aside and nurture with love and warmth, wrapping in a blanket and laying for hours to remind them they are loved, promoting their will to live. In some cases, I will stay with them all night as they sleep, laying on my chest, they listening to my heart beat. I've found this to work, bringing them back even stronger, especially when they have caught a chill.

I can go on forever talking about my goats and the friendships we share but stop by and see them for yourself at www.soapboxkitchen.com.

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