Goat Soap Is Like Rain. : Why Goat Soap

Goat Soap Is Like Rain.

by mike fraley on 02/23/13

I am writing this to let you know some of the benefits goat soap offers to those that haven't tried them.

star of bethleham

Goat soap is ideal for everyone and those with dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies having sensitive skin, goat soap is a godsend. It leaves your skin revived and ready for the daily element.  I like to share with you about some of the contents in goat soap.

Let start with this.

The contents contained in goat soap are glycerin, which helps to draw moisture to the skin.  Triglycerides which help enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver.  Caprylic acid which is also used in the treatment of some bacteria infections and helps balance your skins natural pH.  pH is a measure of the activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion.  Pure rain water has a pH very close to 7, but most goat soaps made right are 6 to 4.  What I'm saying is the higher the pH the more likely it will irritate the skin.

Sweet Georgia

Goat milk will absorbed into the skin, giving a quick hydration back to the skin while providing vitamins A, B6, B12 ,E, amino acids, citric acids, unsaturated fatty acids and zinc.

Stormy Nights

let me say this: Goat soap contains a low pH level  that is lower then the rain that falls on your face in a rain storm and will always(if made right) leaves your skin feeling great.  Like I said, rain runs about a 7 pH, but goat soap should run 4 to 6 pH.

Stop by and see my products at www.goatsoapkitchen.com or www.soapboxkitchen.com.

Thank you

Soap Box KitchenWhy Dose Goat Milk Taste Like Goat

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